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Pre Uni College
Selective School Test Preparation Schedule: A Step-by-Step Plan

When you are on the journey of the Selective Test in NSW, it is crucial to prepare a plan to crack the exam. This exam not only tests your English and mathematics skills but also problem-solving and thinking skills. You...

Selective School Test Preparation Schedule: A Step-by-Step Plan

When you are on the journey of the Selective Test in NSW, it is crucial to prepare a plan to crack the exam. This exam not only tests your English and mathematics skills but also problem-solving and thinking skills. You have to prepare yourself for the test. Let’s understand in detail the steps to prepare yourself for the Selective School Test preparation.

How to prepare for the Selective School Test

The steps to prepare your child for Selective School Test Preparation are:

  • Know the test format.

The test format contains an EWMT, i.e. English test, Mathematics test, Thinking skills, and Writing skills.  EMT’s each section have 40 minutes for the exam, and writing skill has 30 minutes for the exam.

  • Understand your academic performance.

The second step is to prepare yourself for the selective school test preparation through understanding your strengths and weaknesses. You can find the strengths and weaknesses in your report card. t Your report card is given in the school term or at the end of the year. Your report cards contain the subject and areas of living covered in the subject and its marks, so you can know which area of a subject you are weak.

For instance, if you perform unwell in mathematics, look into weak area models such as probability and statistics. Once you know your weakness, prepare yourself hard on that subject and model. When you need help, you can opt for one-on-one tutoring at NSW Pre Uni College as they help you prepare for the selective school test preparation by understanding your weaknesses and strengths as a teacher who is experienced and knowledgeable.

  • Build foundation skills

After you find the weak and strong subjects, It becomes essential for you to practice for all subjects. Practice for english subjects by reading the book loudly. After reading a book, engage yourself in a discussion about the book story. This helps you rephrase the story in your own words and increases your confidence.

A subject like mathematics is a calculation subject that requires constant practice for good results in the exam. When building the foundation of skills, be patient with yourself and don’t lose confidence.

  • Introduce yourself to a reading program for Selective School Test Preparation.

There is a reading program where you can read books and improve your reading and writing skills. Writing skills are essential skills for you, and it strengthens your confidence. Additionally, you can set tasks for yourself to write 300 to 500 words by giving the prompt to write. When you write, it encourages you to learn and write in different styles. Once you write, look at your work and see descriptive language, grammar, and punctuation. If you are weak somewhere, you can improve it.

  • Practice

After your builds the foundation in the skill and introduces it into the reading program. The next step is to practice on worksheets without any calculator or distraction and with a time limit. The selective test exam has different sections and subjects that must be completed within the time limit without help from the teacher, parents, or device.

The steps you can practice

  1. Find a silent place in your home.
  2. Check the location is not near any electronic device
  3. Set up the furniture and stationery
  4. Decide the time to complete the assignment so you can know how long it takes you to complete it.
  • Balance lifestyle

Balancing the lifestyle is important for the child when giving Selective School Test Preparation. A child is developing emotionally and physically while taking the test. Children should not be on the desk all the time as it will mentally damage them, so they should relax and exercise to be healthy and happy.

These all are 6 steps to prepare a child for the test and ensure the child cracks the exam. If you need any assistance with the selective test, Pre Uni College will provide one-on-one tuition for students in Australia. You can contact us today for further details related to the course.


Creating an effective study plan is essential to crack the exam. Selective School Test Preparation requires understanding the test format, academic formation, building the foundation, introducing a child to reading, doing the practice, and creating a balanced lifestyle are ways to crack the test.

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