Introduction: Greetings, readers! Welcome to the follow-up blog, building on our previous discussion about effective preparation for English-specific subjects. In today’s post, we’ll delve into three key sections, offering valuable tips to help you maximise your marks. Let’s dive in!
Section 1: English Comprehension
When tackling practice papers, try a game-changing approach: start by reading the questions first. This provides a broad overview of the text, guiding your focus and increasing the chances of spotting answers implicitly. To enhance your comprehension, consider highlighting or circling keywords in the extract, particularly in informative texts where finding data or statistics is crucial. This simple technique makes revisiting the text more efficient.
Section 2: Language Conventions
Surprisingly, one of the best ways to prepare for language conventions is through reading. Create a dedicated booklet to note unfamiliar words encountered during your reading sessions. At the end of each day or chapter, look up their definitions and practice spelling using the “look, cover, write, check” method. To improve grammar, jot down aesthetically pleasing or advanced sentences from your reading material. This helps you internalise sentence structures for application in your own writing.
Section 3: Writing
Writing proficiency comes with practice. Incorporate quick writing sessions lasting 10-15 minutes into your routine to enhance speed and on-the-spot thinking skills. Choose an object in your vicinity and write freely about it, focusing on getting words on paper without worrying about sentence complexity. Spend the next 5 minutes editing and refining your work. Check for proper paragraphing, the presence of an introduction, orientation, and conclusion. This informal yet effective method will sharpen your writing skills.
As NAPLAN exams approach, remember to stay calm and avoid unnecessary stress. A clear mindset is key for optimal performance. Best of luck to everyone, and may you achieve the marks you truly deserve. Happy studying!